Mellon Institute Library Gets Electricity … Upgrade


After a thorough review of the situation in our Mellon Institute Library by all concerned, I’m very happy to write about how our Mellon Institute Library is slated for an electrical distribution upgrade.  As many of you know, electrical outlets in libraries can be very important with wireless connectivity and the widespread use of laptops.

The Mellon Institute Library is a grand old place.  You can see a view of the Main Reading Room in the photo below:

Main Reading Room, Mellon Institute Library

A chief part of the upgrade will be the provision of a modern grounded double outlet at both ends of each table (at the floor).  Other existing outlets on the perimeter of the room will be upgraded to modern grounded double outlets.

In addition, we have plans to replace the old outlets that are built into desks along the courtyard windows on the second and third floors of the library.  New plugs are planned at the study tables on the third floor of the library near the windows that provide a view of the loading dock area at the rear of the Mellon Institute.

If you’re ever in Pittsburgh, you should stop by and see the intricate woodcarvings that grace the Main Reading Room.
